Developing a short list of focus areas for 100-Day Challenges may seem simple, but it can be quite tricky, and it is profoundly important. In some business schools, a whole course is devoted to this topic. It gets at the critical distinction between vision and strategy, between results and activities, and between means and ends.
In business, this distinction is less tricky than in social impact domains. The main purpose of a business is to make a profit. Without profit, the business will eventually shut down. The profit equation is simple: revenues need to exceed expenses. So, in a business, 100-Day Challenges typically focus on increasing one of the sources of revenue or decreasing one of the expense items.
So in a business, possible focus areas for 100-Day Challenges would typically look like this:
At times, the focus areas are one step removed from revenues and expenses. They focus on one of the drivers of revenue or expense. For example:
In the social impact sector and in Government, this distinction is not as straightforward. Reducing costs is often a critical success factor. However, the equivalent of revenue in the social sector is impact. And this depends on how success is defined and varies from one sector to another.
100-Day Challenge focus areas in the social sector and in Government typically involve ways to demonstrate impact in the sector, and these could be quite situational.
For example, in the education sector, focus areas could be:
Each focus area targets an issue that exists in the community (for example – girls are not registering in schools), and it challenges a team to create a better version of the current reality in 100 days.
Notice that the Focus of 100-Day Challenges is articulated in terms of the desired impact (e.g. improved enrollment of girls) and not the means to achieve this impact (e.g. conducting awareness-building campaigns).
Even if you are convinced that the way to increase girl enrollment is through awareness campaigns, your challenge to the team needs to remain at the level of impact.
Leaders in the social sector find it difficult to restrain themselves from telling 100-Day Challenge teams to focus on a particular solution or activity. Please do your best to resist this temptation.
The next exercise is aimed at driving home this distinction between activities and impact.
Which statement in the following pairs, A (yellow) or B (orange), is a more appropriate Focus for a 100-Day Challenge? In each row, choose one of the two banners. Click on it to find out if you chose the appropriate one and the rationale for this.
In each of the exercises the more appropriate Focus of 100-Day Challenges is articulated in terms of the desired impact and not the means or activities to achieve this impact
GBVF 100-Day Challenges in South Africa are a means localise the National Strategic Plan (NSP) to end GBVF. Ending GBVF 100-day Challenges are currently being convened and organised by Courts, Municipalities, TVETs and Universities. The impact indicators below have been culled out of the NSP as possible Focus Areas for End GBVF 100-Day Challenges. The numbers in parentheses are the NSP pillars that this impact indicator corresponds to.
See the previous Deep Dive on the “Strategic context of GBVF in South Africa” for additional background on the NSP pillars.
It is good to bring forward 3-5 potential focus areas for discussion and decision with other leaders and stakeholders. This way the leaders participate in making the decision on what to focus the 100-Day Challenge on, without getting overwhelmed with too many choices.
The short list is best based on the specific context and timing:
At times, the impact indicators may have a natural sequence or order. For example, in Ending GBVF 100-Day Challenges hosted by Universities in South Africa, it became evident that the initial 100-Day Challenges needed to focus on “breaking the silence” – helping more survivors come forward and report their experiences. Subsequent waves of 100-Day Challenges focused on “healing the wounds” (providing integrated care services to survivors who come forward), and then on “creating deterrence” (bringing justice to perpetrators).
Focus area B is the more appropriate focus area for a 100-Day Challenge.
A is a means to achieving B.
The training prepares teachers to work with students more interactively. The purpose is so students begin to enjoy maths and feel less intimidated by it. It is more powerful to challenge the team to influence the impact and to let them figure out the way to achieve this.
Focus area A is the more appropriate focus area for a 100-Day Challenge.
B is a means to achieving A.
If we challenge the team to increase sales, they will very likely include an advertising campaign in their work plan, and they may experiment with other ways to increase sales. If we challenge them to do the advertisement, they may complete this and yet fail to make progress on what we really are interested in, which is increased sales.
Focus area A is the more appropriate focus area for a 100-Day Challenge.
B is a means to achieving A.
The team might decide that beyond doing an awareness campaign, they will need to demonstrate to students that they will be protected from retaliation and shaming if they speak up about incidents of gender-based violence. So challenging the team with A opens up the space for the team to consider all possible issues and solutions related to speaking up versus limiting them to one solution.
Jot down thoughts on these questions – to the extent they are relevant to your experience at the session:
They did some work before you received the Challenge Note. This included:
Mentors will participate in all or part of the Lift-Off Workshop, mostly at the start to provide context and answer questions, and at the end to give you and your teammates feedback about the goal and plan you develop.
During the 100 days following the Lift-Off Workshop, here’s what the Mentors will do: