Get ready to Lift-off
Practice your understanding of the key elements of the Lift-off session by doing the exercises below and doing the preparation work. Submit your preparations for feedback from the coaches. After you practice you can download a complete slide pack, facilitation guide and templates, to help you facilitate the Lift-off.
Goal exercise
Create at least two 100-day goal templates in the same format as the examples goals in the flip exercise. This will prepare you to help the team if they struggle with goal setting.
Which of the two goals (A or B), best reflect a 100-Day Challenge?
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Mentor behaviour exercise
This exercise will help you to support and guide the team mentors. Select the behaviours that a good Mentor do?
Work plan exercise
The work plan grows from ideas into milestones and action steps. In the Kick-off work plan, the milestones and actions steps will have a team member responsible for each. To help you understand the difference, identify which categories the following statements correspond to.
Team agreement exercise
During the team agreement module, the team agrees on how they would like to work together. When time is running out, and you don’t have enough time to do the whole team agreement module, which three decisions from the list below, are essential to agree on, before the end of the workshop?
Please select 3 correct answers after you have read all the options
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Preparing to guide the team
Submit tasks
Complete preparation tasks 1 to 3. These will be discussed with the coaches before the workshop
5. Practice
Decide which part of the agenda each ambassador will facilitate and practice together before the workshop.
6. Event logistics – things to consider
- Secure venue and refreshments. Room set-up U-shape or round tables for group work
- Arrange a Projector (if needed also a camera, video, microphone, sound)
- Stationary: Flipchart + Markers. Paper, Post-it notes and Pens + 3 Tennis balls per team