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Team Member Role
You were selected by leaders to be a member of a 100-Day Challenge team, and you will be meeting your other team members at the 100-Day Challenge Lift-Off Workshop.
This Course will help you prepare for playing your role effectively, at the Lift-Off Workshop and throughout the 100 days and beyond.
Here are some questions you may have at this point…
- What is a 100-Day Challenge? And how is this different from other projects?
- What happens at the workshops and how do I prepare for it? What other workshops will I participate in?
- What is expected of me during the 100 days following the Lift-Off Workshop?
- What if my team does not achieve its 100-day goal?
- What are things that could go wrong during the 100 days, and how do I prepare myself for these?
- Where can I go for guidance and support during the 100 days?
- What happens after the 100 days are over?
- What’s in it for me as a participant in this process, besides contributing to the critical work of ending GBVF? s
The lessons of this Course are organised around the above questions: each of them is a lesson! Before clicking on the question that intrigues you the most, there is a quick introduction to the 100–Day Challenge so you can put these questions in their proper context.