You volunteered or were nominated to become the 100-Day Challenge Ambassador for your organisation. Your role is to help local leaders organise a 100-Day Challenge focused on a GBVF Impact indicator. You are just beginning to learn about the 100-Day Challenge work and how it is unique. You may be anxious about playing this role…
First things first. We’ll focus on the first milestone in the journey: convening a group of local leaders who, in turn, have the gravitas and authority to mobilse a 100-Day Team and to challenge them to make significant progress on this issue in 100 days.
The key event in the Design Landmark is the Leadership Design Workshop. Setting the Stage lessons in this Course cover the preparations you need to do for the Leadership Design Workshop. The lessons will also give you (a) some background on the role that leaders will play during the 100-Day Challenges (they will ask you about this at the Leadership Design Workshop), and (b) a refresher on facilitation (you will need this during the Leadership Design Workshop).
At the end of this Course, you will be able to:
- Support the convener and other leaders in preparation for the Leadership Design Workshop.
- Organise and facilitate the Leadership Design Workshop.
- Do the follow-up steps to maintain momentum and get leaders and others ready for the next major Landmark in their journey: the Lift-off Workshop.
The first section of Lessons in this Course, you will find the Ambassador Toolkit, where you can download documents and templates to use in preparation for the Leadership Design Workshop. To complete the Landmark and earn “fuel points”, please submit the assignments in the Toolkit.