
to organise an End GBVF 100-Day Challenge

We are glad you are interested in organising a 100-Day Challenge to accelerate progress towards ending gender-based violence and femicide. The purpose of this note is to give you more background information on what this will entail. We are also asking you to provide some information about your organisation and the areas of impact you’d like to focus on.

100-Day Challenges

In 2023, we are looking to include up to forty five 100-Day Challenges in the programme in courts and municipalities across South Africa.  We’d like to make sure that we have a well-balanced group of municipalities and courts in terms of geography, size, interests, and so on. The information you provide will help COGTA and Judicial leaders select a balanced cohort for this year’s wave of End GBVF 100-Day Challenges.

This is part of a multi-year effort to end gender-based violence and femicide in our country. At the core of this effort is mobilising collective action in municipalities, court systems, schools, and companies, using 100-Day Challenges to help turn intentions into impact. This builds on successful 100-Day Challenge pilots in 2021 and 2022 that were sponsored by the End GBVF Collective, supported by the Ford Foundation, and organised and implemented by the World of Impact. 

To find out more about these pilots, click the button below.

By filling out this application and completing the pre-work, regardless of whether you are selected to organise 100-Day Challenges this year,  you will become an “Amplifier” in the End-GBVF Collective. This will enable you to connect with other municipalities, courts and organisations in the nation that are serious about ending gender-based violence and femicide, it will also make you eligible to participate in exclusive training programs on GBVF, it will give you access to toolkits and practices that can help you make progress on GBVF issues in the municipal organisation, and it will secure invitations to webinars to share experiences and discuss and shape local and national GBVF policy. 


Two Ambassadors

Designating two personnel in the municipality or court who will provide process guidance and facilitation support to the 100-Day Challenge team. These “Ambassadors” will be trained by the World of Impact to provide this support, and they will need to prioritise the training they will receive and the support they will provide during the period June through November 2023.

Click here for the attributes we are looking for in Ambassadors and for the time commitments they need to make during this period.  It is important to note that the skills and experience the Ambassadors will gain will enable them to organise and support other collective efforts in the municipality or court, and will be valuable career advancement tools

Hosting the team

Hosting a multi-stakeholder team to work on their 100-Day Challenge. This includes hosting Four workshops and 14 team meetings from July to November 2023. The Ambassadors will be trained to facilitate these events. 

Orientation session

Ensuring that two senior managers can participate in an orientation session on: 

  • Municipalities – 31 May or 1 June 
  • Courts – 30 May or 31 May

Please note that the Ambassadors will also be asked to participate in this. 

Safeguarding orientation (GBVF 101)

Completing a Safeguarding online orientation (GBVF 101) on GBVF practices. The Ambassadors, convener and at least 2-3 management team members must complete this 60 min online module within seven days after receipt of login detail. Login detail will be sent once you have submitted your application.

GBVF Health check

Asking all municipal/court employees to complete a “GBVF organisational Health Check” survey every quarter. This can be filled out in 20 minutes. The results of this will be fed back to the municipal and court leaders to enable them to gauge where they are compared to other municipalities, courts and organisations in the End GBVF Collective, and to help them prioritise future improvement efforts. Individual, organisational results will ONLY be shared with leaders. Individual results will be aggregated and shared at the provincial and national levels, feeding into a national End GBVF Dashboard.  The first quarterly Health Check needs to be completed by the end of September 2023. 

Team support

Municipalities and courts that commit some funds towards supporting the teams 100-day plan (developed by their 100-Day Challenge team) will increase the chances of getting selected to organise a 100-Day Challenge in 2023. The aim is to provide each 100-day Challenge with a grant (R50,000 to R70,000) to help them fund their action plan and workshops.  A portion of this fund will be provided by the programme, the remaining portion of the grant can be secured in the following ways:

  • Courts can request a budget from the “Case flow management budget” – request this from your Regional Court President or Chief Magistrate.
  • Municipalities can realign their Women’s month and 16-Days of Activism budgets to this support fund as the 100-Days will start on 1 Aug and end within the 16-days of Activism.  This will ensure delivery on a GBVF impact area during these commemorative events.

Select your type of organisation to access the application form.

For more information

Municipalities: Sixolile Ngcobo – Localisation Navigator & Lato Mabaso (COGTA) 

Courts: Nomgqibelo Mdlalose  – Justice sector Navigator

Thought starter reflection questions

Jot down thoughts on these questions – to the extent they are relevant to your experience at the session:
  • When did the mood in the event shift from “why are we here?” to “this could be interesting – I am excited to be part of this.” What triggered this shift? 
  • When did you have to go “off script” on the agenda or to change the agenda? What triggered this? What did you adjust? How did it go?
  • What was most surprising to you at the event?
  • What new insights did you gain about the issue at hand, and about the way leaders in the system interacted with each other?
  • Where did the conversation get stuck? What got it unstuck?
  • How would you characterise the level of trust among participants in the meeting? To what extent did this shift as the meeting progressed? To what do you attribute this shift, if indeed it happened?

Thought starter...

Reflection Questions 

Jot down thoughts on these questions – to the extent they are relevant to your experience at the session:

  • When did the mood in the event shift from “why are we here?” to “this could be interesting – I am excited to be part of this.” What triggered this shift? 
  • When did you have to go “off script” on the agenda or to change the agenda? What triggered this? What did you adjust? How did it go?
  • What was most surprising to you at the event?
  • What new insights did you gain about the issue at hand, and about the way leaders in the system interacted with each other?
  • Where did the conversation get stuck? What got it unstuck?
These are 100-Day Challenge Mentors. 

They did some work before you received the Challenge Note. This included:

  • Writing the Challenge Note, and making sure that the leaders of all the organisations represented on the team are comfortable with it – and committed to supporting the work of the team
  • Helping the leaders of these organisation recruit you and your colleagues to the team
  • Gathering some baseline data and other information that will help you and your teammates set your 100-Day goal and develop your plan.
  • Making sure all the preparations are made for a successful Lift-Off workshop, when you and your teammates will meet and get your 100-Day Challenge started. This includes venue, facilitation support, food, swags, comms, travel arrangements and whatever else is needed.


Mentors will participate in all or part of the Lift-Off Workshop, mostly at the start to provide context and answer questions, and at the end to give you and your teammates feedback about the goal and plan you develop.

During the 100 days following the Lift-Off Workshop, here’s what the Mentors will do:  

  • They will check in every two weeks with the team leaders to see how the team is doing and what support they and the team need.
  • They will keep other organisational leaders informed and engaged during the 100 days, and pull them in to help as needed.
  • They will participate in the last part of the Refuelling Workshop, halfway through the 100 days, to see what additional support the team needs, and to begin to plan with the team for sustainability and scale-up.
  • They will work with the team at the Sustainability Workshop to finalise recommendations on sustaining the results and building on the work of the team.