The role of an Ambassador is facilitative and catalytic, rather than technical. Your currency is trust with all stakeholders involved. Your effectiveness will be compromised if they are perceived to be advocating for a technical position or ‘taking sides’ in controversies or confrontations that emerge during the 100 days.
Ambassadors are determined to do what it takes to help leaders and teams stay focused until the goals are achieved. You will wear different hats during the challenge to keep pushing the agenda forward: conveners; advocates; insurgents; coach, taskmasters; cheerleaders; etc. Anytime, anywhere, as needed. Often in the background, making things happen and taking little credit for it.
In the video is a quick look at three of the hats that an Ambassador wears.
- The Architect
- The pilot
- And after the workshop the guide.
We are huge fans of using flipcharts in workshops. Because writing down team members’ thoughts help the team to recognise and remember the idea. It also helps each team member to be visually reminded about they contributed to the team’s work. Here are some tips on using the powerful tool.