Provide an overall evaluation of the 100-Day Challenge Experience, from a user’s perspective. This will help the organisers design better experiences for other teams in the future.
30 min
Ask participants to rate their perceptions of the extent to which the three hallmark behaviours emerged in the past 100 days?
Facilitate a conversation about this. Ask for examples. Note these down. Probe why the experiences may have been different for different people (some may have experienced these behaviours in their own organisations and in previous projects. If appropriate, tease out the things that made these behaviours possible in the past 100 days. You can use this discussion to enrich the ideas that emerged in the “Reflecting on the Experience” Section of the Agenda.
2. Advice to Future Team Members (10 min)
Do the net promoter Score (A method of using a single survey question to gauge satisfaction with a product or experience).
Ask team members to choose a number between 1 and 10 in answer to the question: “To what extent would you recommend this experience to colleagues and peers who are invited to participate in a 100-Day Challenge on GBVF?”
Voting 1 would stand for: “Are you kidding me? I’ll tell them to run to the hills…” And 10 would stand for “I would recommend it wholeheartedly and with zero reservations”.
Then ask each to write a short note to future 100-Day Challenge team members. with advice to them. Gather these and consolidate across teams, so they can be shared with future team members at the start of their journey.