The Team Coach is the travel guide during the 30-Day Challenge journey. Like all good travel guides, the more they travel on a trail, the more helpful they become to other travelers they guide. They know the tricky spots where people can slip, what tools to pack on the trip, and where the best camping grounds are on the path to the top.
There are two types of travellers on the 100-Day Challenge journey. There are the organisational leaders, and there are 30-day team members who are asked by leaders to forge their way to the top of the hill in 30 days. You will guide and support both.
The Team Coach
Guiding the 30-Day team
Apart from these specific task-oriented activities, Team Coaches play an important and subtle role throughout the 30-Day Challenge. They keep everyone engaged and feeling upbeat and motivated. They do this in various ways:
There are three critical skills used in 30-Day Challenges:
Some team coachers may already be very skilled in these three areas. In the step-by-step guide there will be content to sharpen your skills with useful frameworks, tools and exercises. There is no substitute though for practicing and getting feedback from peers, clients and experienced practitioners.
Additionally, team coaches will practice project support skills, including:
To succeed in the role you need to dedicate time to learn about the role and to practise it. You need the support of your senior leaders to dedicate time to this. During the 8-week guided journey, you will need an estimate of 2 hours for theoretical and 2-4 hours to apply what you have learned through the following activities:
Support available to you during the 8-week learning journey.
What we mean by “appropriate” and “quality” will become clearer in the step by step guide and tools to assess these will be provided in the guide.
Jot down thoughts on these questions – to the extent they are relevant to your experience at the session:
They did some work before you received the Challenge Note. This included:
Mentors will participate in all or part of the Lift-Off Workshop, mostly at the start to provide context and answer questions, and at the end to give you and your teammates feedback about the goal and plan you develop.
During the 100 days following the Lift-Off Workshop, here’s what the Mentors will do: