As you saw in the Mentor slide, the role of the Mentor is defined by four Cs. Let’s examine each C and offer tips on indicators you can use to assess your success in that particular role.
Curator of the experience of the teams during the 100 days.
Blocks interference and meddling from other leaders.
Encourages risk-taking and experimentation.
Shows curiosity and appreciation for the work of the team.
Coach & role model for team leaders, helping them lead with confident humility.
Custodian of the Challenge Note: Ensures that the team operates within the framework set out by the leaders.
Connector of the team with other leaders and stakeholders to mobilise support as needed.
Curator of the experience of the team during the 100 days
Positive indicators
Team members take initiative and try out new ideas.
Team members from different organisations work together as if they belong to the same organisation.
Team members holding each other accountable for the commitments they made.
Worrisome Signs
The team leader frequently reaches out to you to ask permission to do things.
Other members of the Leadership Group jump in to give directions and guidance to the team.
Coach to the Team Leader
Positive indicators
The team leader reaches out to you for advice and guidance.
The team leader expresses appreciation for the role you are playing.
The team leader is growing and developing as a leader who empowers others on the team.
The team leader asks you for feedback after meetings you participate in.
Worrisome Signs
Team leaders do not feel comfortable sharing with you issues and difficulties. Their answer is always: “All is fine”.
Checking in with the team leader is a chore that you dread. It is filled with awkward silences.
Custodian of the Challenge Note
Positive indicators
The team leader references the Challenge Note during the 100 days.
The team is tracking and reporting not only on the performance indicator in the goal but on other things that could be adversely affected by the intense focus on the goal.
Team members are beginning to think about how the work will be sustained beyond the 100 days.
Worrisome Signs
Other departments are complaining that their issues (e.g. cases) are not getting enough attention and that all the resources are being diverted to the areas the team is focused on.
Connector to other Leaders & Resources
Positive indicators
Other leaders are showing interest in the 100-Day Challenge and reaching out to you for updates and offers to help.
Team members are getting positive feedback from their managers and organisational leaders about participating in the 100-Day Challenge.
Worrisome Signs
Team members are being pulled away from their 100-Day Challenge commitments by their managers and organisational leaders.
You are the only advocate for the 100-Day Challenge in leadership forums.
Thought starter reflection questions
Jot down thoughts on these questions – to the extent they are relevant to your experience at the session:
When did the mood in the event shift from “why are we here?” to “this could be interesting – I am excited to be part of this.” What triggered this shift?
When did you have to go “off script” on the agenda or to change the agenda? What triggered this? What did you adjust? How did it go?
What was most surprising to you at the event?
What new insights did you gain about the issue at hand, and about the way leaders in the system interacted with each other?
Where did the conversation get stuck? What got it unstuck?
How would you characterise the level of trust among participants in the meeting? To what extent did this shift as the meeting progressed? To what do you attribute this shift, if indeed it happened?
Thought starter...
Reflection Questions
Jot down thoughts on these questions – to the extent they are relevant to your experience at the session:
When did the mood in the event shift from “why are we here?” to “this could be interesting – I am excited to be part of this.” What triggered this shift?
When did you have to go “off script” on the agenda or to change the agenda? What triggered this? What did you adjust? How did it go?
What was most surprising to you at the event?
What new insights did you gain about the issue at hand, and about the way leaders in the system interacted with each other?
Where did the conversation get stuck? What got it unstuck?
These are 100-Day Challenge Mentors.
They did some work before you received the Challenge Note. This included:
Writing the Challenge Note, and making sure that the leaders of all the organisations represented on the team are comfortable with it – and committed to supporting the work of the team
Helping the leaders of these organisation recruit you and your colleagues to the team
Gathering some baseline data and other information that will help you and your teammates set your 100-Day goal and develop your plan.
Making sure all the preparations are made for a successful Lift-Off workshop, when you and your teammates will meet and get your 100-Day Challenge started. This includes venue, facilitation support, food, swags, comms, travel arrangements and whatever else is needed.
Mentors will participate in all or part of the Lift-Off Workshop, mostly at the start to provide context and answer questions, and at the end to give you and your teammates feedback about the goal and plan you develop.
During the 100 days following the Lift-Off Workshop, here’s what the Mentors will do:
They will check in every two weeks with the team leaders to see how the team is doing and what support they and the team need.
They will keep other organisational leaders informed and engaged during the 100 days, and pull them in to help as needed.
They will participate in the last part of the Refuelling Workshop, halfway through the 100 days, to see what additional support the team needs, and to begin to plan with the team for sustainability and scale-up.
They will work with the team at the Sustainability Workshop to finalise recommendations on sustaining the results and building on the work of the team.
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